Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
So how are you showing up to Study? Are you showing up entitled because it’s “so hard”? Or are you looking the friction, the resistance and...

So how are you showing up to Study? Are you showing up entitled because it’s “so hard”? Or are you looking the friction, the resistance and...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: You know what? Sometimes things aren’t happening in our lives because we just keep them out.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
You know what? Sometimes things aren’t happening in our lives because we just keep them out. We do. With our fear. With our doubt. With o...
You know what? Sometimes things aren’t happening in our lives because we just keep them out.
You know what? Sometimes things aren’t happening in our lives because we just keep them out.

You know what? Sometimes things aren’t happening in our lives because we just keep them out. We do. With our fear. With our doubt. With o...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Intuition is not the result of diet, rituals, or wind chimes. It's the natural consequence of having self-esteem, the greatest power you can have.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
"The ability to know that your perceptions are accurate has to happen without others' validation. Intuition is not the result of...
Intuition is not the result of diet, rituals, or wind chimes. It's the natural consequence of having self-esteem, the greatest power you can have.
Intuition is not the result of diet, rituals, or wind chimes. It's the natural consequence of having self-esteem, the greatest power you can have.

"The ability to know that your perceptions are accurate has to happen without others' validation. Intuition is not the result of...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: As we awaken from the child within’s nightmare of despair we begin enlightened living.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
As we awaken from the child within’s nightmare of despair we begin enlightened living.  As we heal the crippling traumas of the past we b...
As we awaken from the child within’s nightmare of despair we begin enlightened living.
As we awaken from the child within’s nightmare of despair we begin enlightened living.

As we awaken from the child within’s nightmare of despair we begin enlightened living.  As we heal the crippling traumas of the past we b...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We need to come out of our addictive sleep
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We need to come out of our addictive sleep and change our orientation:  our orientation to life itself.
We need to come out of our addictive sleep
We need to come out of our addictive sleep

We need to come out of our addictive sleep and change our orientation:  our orientation to life itself.

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We the addicted, in our own particular way, have been psychically brutalised by the rejection of family and society.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We the addicted, in our own particular way, have been psychically brutalised by the rejection of family and society.  This is not easily...
We the addicted, in our own particular way, have been psychically brutalised by the rejection of family and society.
We the addicted, in our own particular way, have been psychically brutalised by the rejection of family and society.

We the addicted, in our own particular way, have been psychically brutalised by the rejection of family and society.  This is not easily...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: WE have come to study humanity at the stages
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
    WE have come to study humanity at the stages, and many of its expressions and attributes, through the lenses of these ten study varia...
WE have come to study humanity at the stages
WE have come to study humanity at the stages

    WE have come to study humanity at the stages, and many of its expressions and attributes, through the lenses of these ten study varia...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We are wounded children, seeking to exploit others and the world in order to make up for the deficits of our childhood.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We are ruled by trauma—not truth. We are the norm. We remain unconscious of the legacy of poison that we carry from our families and ance...
We are wounded children, seeking to exploit others and the world in order to make up for the deficits of our childhood.
We are wounded children, seeking to exploit others and the world in order to make up for the deficits of our childhood.

We are ruled by trauma—not truth. We are the norm. We remain unconscious of the legacy of poison that we carry from our families and ance...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We have to lose ourself in order to find ourself in the stages.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We have to lose ourself in order to find ourself in the stages. We gently remove the barriers finding a key that unlocks our hidden roo...
We have to lose ourself in order to find ourself in the stages.
We have to lose ourself in order to find ourself in the stages.

We have to lose ourself in order to find ourself in the stages. We gently remove the barriers finding a key that unlocks our hidden roo...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Our thought that "something is wrong with me" can be one of the biggest roadblocks to our recovery .
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our thought that "something is wrong with me" can be one of the biggest roadblocks to our recovery . We are not talking ab...
Our thought that "something is wrong with me" can be one of the biggest roadblocks to our recovery .
Our thought that "something is wrong with me" can be one of the biggest roadblocks to our recovery .

Our thought that "something is wrong with me" can be one of the biggest roadblocks to our recovery . We are not talking ab...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: For true recovery ask yourself these four questions:
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
For true recovery ask yourself these four questions:  Why?  Why not?  Why not me?  Why not now?
For true recovery ask yourself these four questions:
For true recovery ask yourself these four questions:

For true recovery ask yourself these four questions:  Why?  Why not?  Why not me?  Why not now?

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Stay connected to who you really are!
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Stay connected to who you really are! What's that mean? It means to remember that at your child within looking out. You have...
Stay connected to who you really are!
Stay connected to who you really are!

Stay connected to who you really are! What's that mean? It means to remember that at your child within looking out. You have...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. Fear of the unknown is our greatest fear. Many of us would enter a tiger&#...
The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. Fear of the unknown is our greatest fear. Many of us would enter a tiger&#...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The joy of living a Self -Approved life is revealed when we begin to allow ourselves to be ourselves
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our whole lives we are constantly looking outside of ourselves for approval and to fit in. This happens first as a child – when we adapt...
The joy of living a Self -Approved life is revealed when we begin to allow ourselves to be ourselves
The joy of living a Self -Approved life is revealed when we begin to allow ourselves to be ourselves

Our whole lives we are constantly looking outside of ourselves for approval and to fit in. This happens first as a child – when we adapt...

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