Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Authority and Power of The Child Withins Positive Meditation
Author: Fraser Trevor
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May my Child Within find freedom today... Freedom to recover who my child within wants to be... Freedom to recover my child within just as...
May my Child Within find freedom today...

Freedom to recover who my child within wants to be...

Freedom to recover my child within just as my Child Within has gained...Freedom to pursue all of child withins dreams and aspirations

Freedom to let go of any situations that may hold my child within back from stepping into my child withins Purpose

Let our mind rest in each of the phrases. You can be aware of the phrases either with the breath or just in themselves—the focus of the attention is the phrases. Let your mind rest within them.  feelings will come and go.
May my child within build even more confidence in my child withins unique gifts (even if my child within isn't 100% sure what
they are now)

May my child within have the courage to trust the whispers of my child withins intuition and take the next step with Faith and Knowing that everything is working out for my child withins best interest...

We send loving-kindfulness does not mean that we approve or condone all actions, it means that we can see clearly actions that are incorrect or unskillful and still not lose the connection.
May my child within be reconciled to anyone who has hurt my child within in the past, because my child within has become awakened to the ancestral past, my child within is set free to create a bright, beautiful and wonderful future...

May my child within speak up today and let my child withins needs be known...

My child within has a strong and powerful voice, may my child within use it today in the service of recovery and all that my child within holds dear

And finally, may my child within know that it is not selfish for my child within to live my Childs daily recovery Purpose...

And that as my child within lives my Childs recovery Purpose each and every day, my child within will be able to provide even more for me the child creates true abundance of a serene mind in all of my child withins affairs...

May my child within follow through on all of my child withins highest intentions and make daily progress in pursuing my child withins meditational goals...

For as my child within does, my child within will be met with serenity and freedom in our most unexpected hours...


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