Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Our thought that "something is wrong with me" can be one of the biggest roadblocks to our recovery .
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Our thought that "something is wrong with me" can be one of the biggest roadblocks to our recovery . We are not talking ab...
Our thought that "something is wrong with me" can be one of the biggest roadblocks to our recovery .

We are not talking about the kind of "something is wrong with me" in the being sick and needing to go to the doctor kind of way; in this case, there is an imbalance in your system and it must be corrected.

We are talking about in the "I need to be fixed to be recovered and happy" kind of way.

We believe that the thought "We need to be fixed" is one of the only things we need corrected in order to be recovered.

If it were true that you did not need to be fixed- that as you are, you are enough, that you have everything you need, right now, then everything in our life will change.

The chase would stop. The need to "fix" ourself would stop. The need for outward approval would cease.

Instead of needing to be fixed, from a place of wholeness, you would simply see that your only real need is for who we really are to be revealed.

If you could switch this one thought, this one perception, from the need to "be fixed" to the desire to "be revealed," it would make living your life at your Highest Potential much more achievable.

Instead of thinking you need to "fix" the part of yourself that is addicted, take the stance that the healthy and vibrant part of your true nature needs to be revealed.

Instead of thinking that you aren't enough or aren't lovable, see that all you have to do is reveal your enough-ness and loveable nature by trusting The Child Within who is born perfect and knowing that you can handle whatever it throws your way. Instead of playing the broken victim, step into being a powerful co-creator of your life with your perfect partner your child within you.. 

Who you really are is a Child Within living in human form. The energy of your child has called forth and asked for a body to inhabit to experience life in human form. That deeper part of you that is not flesh and bone, who you are on a Soul level, is perfect, HUGE and a child within.

You don't need to be fixed all you need is to learn to be revealed by your child in your life.

When this revelation happens, all types of lack and disease will vanish from your life and the miracle of your child really are will be revealed.


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