Weaponising Mindfulness: Self Kindfulness is not just for stress. Kindfulness is not just for stress. We can also apply Kindfulness to our daily practice of wellbeing. The Ten Stages is a studied rec…
- We come to believe that since there is an intuitive hidden voice within us
- we believe that there is no better way to do this
- 10 Stages to recover our Intuition
- 2017 Intuitive Voice Explorations and Quest Journeys
- A common misconception about the child within is the idea that it isn’t real
- A gentle touch from your perfect child within
- Acceptance of our reality at the stages need not be synonymous with capitulation
- Acceptance of what has happened is the first stage to overcoming the consequences of childhood
- Another detailed examination of relapse both physical and emotional
- Any man's death diminishes me
- As we awaken from the child within’s nightmare of despair we begin enlightened living.
- As we complete the ten stages we awaken with shock at the devastating impact of our traumatisation
- As we grow in our recovery
- At the very core of our being is a spark of purity
- Authority and Power of The Child Withins Positive Meditation
- Awakening to the sense of that fundamental sense of unease
- Awareness
- Be Mindful with Meditation
- Be aware if you are carrying an inclination to immediately fill that space with something to occupy your attention.
- Below are ten features of our child's withins created recovery environment.
- Bhagavad Gita
- Child Within Intuition can flow into us
- Child within intuitive voice is our introduction to our childhood wisdom that comes from within us.
- Child within understanding is a gentle form of probing our consciousness.
- Collective unconscious
- Consciousness
- Dissociation (being split-off from one’s deepest truth) mimics enlightenment – but it isn’t enlightenment.
- Dissociation Anonymous hope that you will listen
- Dissociation Anonymous think it is important to understand the operation
- Don’t blame ourselves for our rage
- Don’t die with your child within still locked inside you.
- Drugs aren't the driver of addiction
- Every Adult being is a CHILD within
- Every child falls over
- Facilitativion ten stages meditation is driven by needs and interests of the child within.
- For our child within the trauma is still going on in our head
- For true recovery ask yourself these four questions:
- For victims of trauma
- Free intuitive writing puts us in touch with our present
- GATZSO the clear light nature of mind arises uninterruptedly
- Gazing into a mirror
- God in Your Brain
- Grant us access to our intuitive voice to accept all guidance revealed through our meditations of our child within us
- Great Waves
- Guided Meditations across the North Yorks Moors in a Jeep
- Honesty: We all desire an honesty
- I am beautiful inside and out because …
- I left the girl there
- I pervade and support the Universe
- I was a lost soul
- INTULEXIA consciousness developed as a way to internalise talking to ourself without the adult you.
- INTULEXIA has certainly endowed the child within with the magic of a rich environment the ten stages
- INTULEXIA is the magic of our child Within which often completely disappears in a our adult
- If its members go too far in expressing their true selves
- If we look at our child withins traits like commitment
- In recovery we often become sheriffs dealing with outlaws in the dusty Wild West
- In the beginning of time
- In the practices of the stages study we continuously seeking to find our out our intuitive voice
- In the stages we experiment with our honesty we attempt to re-create the channel of truth between the intuitive voice and mind.
- India
- Insight meditation accepts that the we need a moderate challenge to learn.
- Introduction to the Intuitive Voice
- Intuition is not the result of diet
- Intuition lets us see the Truth.
- Intuitive Openness is an ability to go with the flow
- Intuitive Voice Explorations and Quest Journeys
- Intulexia Intuitive Voice Healing
- Intulexic Conversation is not always Zen.
- Is there any way for you to think
- It is not too late to grow into our child within
- It takes a lot of courage and patience not be overwhelmed by the immense negativities afoot in our world today.
- Journaling within The Ten Stages
- Just by making contact with the child within starts an attempt to make an empathetic listening environment that engenders the process of building a new recovered self
- Kindfulness brings concentration.
- Know that the outward form passes away
- Know that with one single fraction of my Being
- Krishna
- Life with Dissociative Identity Disorder Feels Like Being Lost and Disconnected
- Living with dissociation We have no idea that we grew up emotionally neglected.
- Looking Glass Workshops
- Love
- Majority of the things we loved and enjoyed as children gradually become things we’re afraid of
- Meditation One Vision Quest Meeting the childwithin the gateway
- Meditation can remove internal blockages
- Meditation is Kindfulness when the senses are turned inward.
- Mind
- Modern Koans Eckhart Tolle
- Most of us are ruled by trauma—not truth.
- No devil
- No matter the trauma. we made it. Try not to carry that backpack of negativity any longer than necessary.
- Not only do we seek resolution of our perceived problems
- Now observe how your computer
- Now that we have gained an understanding we actively befriend our child within
- O-nami felt he should go to a Zen master for help
- Obedience
- Once we have studied our case in-depth with the help of the stage guides to believe that we have a true and potentially free self within
- Our Child Within in any given setting
- Our Child Withins maturity is the capacity to stand our ground as a reflection of our genuine inner belief.
- Our Orphaned Adult
- Our child Within is always playful and positive.
- Our child within is what we are born with.
- Our children within communicate
- Our conscious mind — believe it or not — is not in charge of our day-to-day behaviour.
- Our everyday lives have become chaotic.
- Our fear related memories are stored by the child within
- Our intuitive insight of using scent and nature.
- Our life is a mechanical life. It's not human
- Our life’s work it is to recover our child within.
- Our sense of reality and who we are depend on our feelings
- Our thought that "something is wrong with me" can be one of the biggest roadblocks to our recovery .
- Our unconscious is a mental repository that holds our repressed feelings and experiences
- Our whole lives we are constantly looking outside of ourselves for approval and to fit in.
- Perception begins even before we’re born. It occupies a powerful position in our lives because it influences every action we take so that we can more readily fit into our environment.
- Practicing kindfulness in The Program
- Program Tea Meditation
- Put on the mind of Truth.
- RECOVERY: that overused and often distorted word
- Recovery in Stages is letting go.
- Recovery is our basic purpose here on earth
- Religion and Spirituality
- STAGE ONE:We have to admit that we do have a true self within that can heal and regain control over our lives
- Scientists baffled by diamond-filled alien stone
- Self-absorption overlay is being trapped inside a prison. It prevents us from getting the most out of our recovery.
- Seven Heart attacks three death experiences one
- Short story
- Sleep Shrinks the Brain's Synapses
- So
- Stagers Course Work
- Stagers are in the business of becoming free of their trauma.
- Starting to engage in an inner dialogue with the intuitive mind
- Stay connected to who you really are!
- Synchronicity is a word coined by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to describe the temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events.
- The Child Within effervesces within you
- The Child Within has become a mental repository that holds our repressed feelings and experiences
- The Child Within has often become our mental repository
- The Child's Within Learning Strategies
- The Child's Withins New Environment
- The Curse of Ancestor worship
- The Dying Genius Project
- The Intuitive Voice perhaps you have never experienced that state of mind in which there is total abandonment of everything
- The Spirit of the Child
- The Stages Intuitive voice is the magical voice of the freed child within
- The Stages in the seeking is hidden the meaning of Life
- The Stages says the longest journey we will take is not anywhere "out there" but to our child within.
- The Stages study seeks an unconditional friendship with our child within.
- The Ten Stage Workshop Quotes
- The Ten Stages creates a new recovery method
- The Ten Stages is a reawakening to our angry child that over the years we have chosen to ignore.
- The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
- The child Within will make you smile even when you’ve had the most terrible day
- The finding of the intuitive voice brings loving-kindness which develops will bring eleven particular advantages:
- The goal of the meditational practice at the stages is to calm the mind
- The intuitive voice you uncover will give you the answer.
- The key to loving kindness practice is realising that all the love you need is already within you.
- The largest concern of intuitive insights are how personal fears
- The obsessions generated by unresolved emotional trauma run deep and can leave festering scars of dissociation.
- The path to recovery is highly stressful
- The people in India lived from the unconscious. Jung
- The reason why the program is a taught study course is that it is painful thing to wake up — and make contact with your child within.
- The reason why the ten stages has become a taught study course is that it is painful thing to wake up
- The stages find affirmations are especially useful when negative thoughts interfere
- Their is nothing remotely like THE TEN STAGES.
- There are many different ways to think about God
- There are three time zones each of us deal with at the stages: past
- There is much we can do to encourage and nurture our child withins natural intuition.
- Think of your Recovery and your Intuition as guidance from your child within and you'll begin to see how everything is in perfect order
- This becomes the power of a true Stager.
- Those who cannot keep up with the acceleration of change now occurring at he Stages
- Thought
- To understand dissociation is to understand the confidence tricks of a soporific society
- To wholeheartedly be happy in another's good can deliver us from the chains of competition.
- Traumatised
- True Recovery comes through our child within.
- Truth is revealed
- Truthful Intuitive Meditation is knowing of something beyond time
- Tulpa is a spiritual discipline and teachings concept in Tibetan Buddhism
- Unconscious mind
- Unleash the Power of The Child Within
- Using words to describe what our intuition tells us makes it easy for us and our child to express what we feel.
- WE have come to study humanity at the stages
- Wayego Kindfulness
- We
- We all have a child within that part of our identity that is free
- We are afraid of ourselves.
- We are all Struggling
- We are not five sensory beings; we have 6 senses
- We are ruled by trauma not truth.
- We are the child within beings having a human experience. And this is our truth.
- We are wounded children
- We become very uncomfortable that this study course would dare to contradict everything we hold dear.
- We feel at the Stages that we have found the explanation for why we are suffering so much.
- We have a core identity our child within which is the original person born into the body.
- We have an intuitional voice that says we can connect much more deeply to ourselves and to one another.
- We have become indoctrinated into a false unrealistic version of the self
- We have become like sponges
- We have to admit that we do have a true self within that can heal and regain control over our lives.
- We have to lose ourself in order to find ourself in the stages.
- We know the reward for conformity at the stages is that everyone likes us except ourself
- We need stagers who can let us be who we are – and not brag about the ten stages.
- We need to come out of our addictive sleep
- We need to devote our lives to the betterment of ourselves in mind
- We seem to be moving narcissistically within the fellowships
- We study the ways we have hurt ourselves
- We the addicted
- We use projection
- We were not born to live our parents’ life.
- We will enter the stages course partially aware of the following symptoms
- We will totally understand the root causes and reasons why we can really take care of ourselves and heal our own wounds
- We've got to become our Child Within.
- Weaponising Mindfulness
- We’ll change our viewpoint and perception .
- What we’ve seen is that not very many people are willing or able to expend the necessary time or energy for recovery to take place.
- Whatever the present moment contains
- When Everything Is Silent
- When Our Child Within feels safe
- When our repressed memories and events are acknowledged
- When we are dissociated we are not at peace with ourselves at all.
- When we become masters of the dissociated no longer needing alcohol or drugs to achieve our dissociated state
- When we identify the voice of denial from our old ancestral limbic system
- When you are willing and eager
- Where we carry unresolved childhood traumas we will replicate them on to our relationships with everyone
- With self-reflection we acknowledge where our acting out behaviour has come from
- Within We come to acknowledge our journey into reality through the stages.
- Working through the ten stages can be painful
- You are awareness. Awareness is another name for you.
- You can enjoy suffering.
- You know what? Sometimes things aren’t happening in our lives because we just keep them out.
- Zen
- a complete letting go
- absorbing energy historically from people around us.
- accept is as if you had chosen it.
- accepted and worthy – he or she comes out to play.
- and for some
- and freed—we finally become recovered.
- and he credited following his intuition as the key to his success
- and it hurts.
- and know that I AM
- and potentially we all suffer and grieve.
- and spirit.
- and the environment through replication of our traumatic history
- and to the costs of our dissociations.
- and triply.
- are mistreated as infants and children
- as The Ten Stages puts it
- as our most basic defence mechanism underlying our dissociation and acting out
- at last in The Ten Stages we come to deal with the roots of our addictions
- body
- boredom
- but not with the memory of what you already know
- but we also feel that we deserve resolution.
- but when we became two
- carrying tremendous weight from my past
- cherished
- choose
- clear as a bell.
- conditioned.
- courage
- creativity
- despise.
- dissociation is often lifesaving.
- each and every one of them will jump to the occasion.
- felt
- grieved
- have been psychically brutalised by the rejection of family and society.
- heal and accelerate our spiritual
- http://authorisationzen.blogspot.co.uk/
- https://goo.gl/photos/zPNgvFPGdw3DBPaW7
- humiliating defeat.
- if there is the will and capacity to receive it
- in fact
- in our own particular way
- intuition
- intuition being the sixth and most important sense.
- intuition. All of these things are in your hero’s quiver
- is in the terms of the program is the dissolution of the unconscious.
- it is disassociation that drives addiction.
- it's programmed
- last week Steven Spielberg gave a commencement speech at Harvard
- listening to the intuitive mind is a surrender based on the trust of our child within.
- loved
- loving-kindness meditation.
- mum or dad dies
- no atonement. No atonement
- no gospel.
- no hell.
- no hell. No hell
- no preaching
- of our child within
- of perfection
- or act that isn’t determined by processes outside of your control?
- or wind chimes. It's the natural consequence of having self-esteem
- or worse
- others
- our frustration
- our sadness
- our testiness.
- overwhelm
- passion and dedication
- perceptions and memories.
- perspectives and egos interfere with the message.
- posted
- present and future.
- protected
- reason
- restlessness
- rituals
- seeking to exploit others and the world in order to make up for the deficits of our childhood.
- sensations
- slowly let the feelings of loving-kindness
- someone who will tell us the truth face to face.
- space
- spontaneous and creative
- support
- than to explore both our outer and inner worlds.
- than to explore both our outer and within worlds
- the Earth Emanates a Mysterious Hum
- the activity of the adult shadow self.
- the child within joins in.
- the functioning
- the greatest power you can have.
- the illusion of separateness entered the physical plane.
- they make sure you understand them to a T
- they will not be accepted by the group.
- though not in our reality. Our intuitive voice is high jacked by the traumatic voice of childhood.
- thoughts
- treated inappropriately for our species.
- unhappiness or dissatisfaction that drives so much of our human behaviour
- we awaken with shock at the devastating impact of our traumatisation
- we leave others behind.
- we were organised as one body
- we will become a master of recognising dissociation.
- what is it that you see?
- what seems like chaos is many times intuition in action.
- when given a task to a group of these children within
- when you’re on the path to recovery
- with our identification with our distinct child within
We study the ways we have hurt ourselves, others, and the environment through replication of our traumatic history
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We study the ways we have hurt ourselves, others, and the environment through replication of our traumatic history, and we become willing to awaken to them all. Now that we have awakened to what was …
INTULEXIA and the dying Genius Project
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Having the experience of dying both from stroke heart attack and kidney failure gives me a unique view of the world of living in a burning forest and having to evacuate each time the fire breaks out …
Grant us access to our intuitive voice to accept all guidance revealed through our meditations of our child within us
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
"Ten Stages Peace & Meditation": " Grant us access to our intuitive voice to accept all guidance revealed through our meditations of our child within us, the courage to let go of the things we are as…
The obsessions generated by unresolved emotional trauma run deep and can leave festering scars of dissociation.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The obsessions generated by unresolved emotional trauma run deep and can leave festering scars of dissociation.Modern doctors quickly prescribe antidepressants in the wake of emotional trauma. And wh…
Our intuitive insight of using scent and nature.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our intuitive insight of using scent and nature. These are both actually somatic tools. To better understand the biology of trauma and why you feel what you feel…
Be Mindful with Meditation
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Be Mindful with MeditationDo you find your mind clouded with thoughts? Do you dwell on worries a little too much throughout the day? Opt for a healthy dose of zen by setting aside some valuable medit…
Our everyday lives have become chaotic.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our everyday lives have become chaotic. It’s easy to feel worn down when dissociation exhaustion starts to throw our daily existence off balance.Within each of us lies the power to separate ourselve…
Seven Heart attacks three monitored death experiences one lasting over three hours a failing kidney and a stroke brought me to a point of trying to understand The Bardot experience
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Seven Heart attacks three monitored death experiences one lasting over three hours a failing kidney and a stroke brought me to a point of trying to understand The Bardot experience and attempting to …
Intulexia Intuitive Voice Healing
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Intulexia Intuitive Voice Healing Sound and Vibration Healing?Everyone has a vibration that is a signature of their health and wellbeing. You could think of it as a natural results of the processes t…
When we identify the voice of denial from our old ancestral limbic system
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
When we identify the voice of denial from our old ancestral limbic system :we give up the need to be right, we communicate and listen on a deeper level, with more understanding and acceptance, and w…
The Curse of Ancestor worship
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
An ancient practice that has great relevance in the Ten Stages. The Curse of Ancestor worship involves religious beliefs and practices consisting of prayers and offerings to the spirits of dead relat…
Authority and Power of The Child Withins Positive Meditation
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
May my Child Within find freedom today...Freedom to recover who my child within wants to be...Freedom to recover my child within just as my Child Within has gained...Freedom to pursue all of child wi…
Tax on fools: On deciding to stop all forms of gambling
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
To wholeheartedly be happy in another's good can deliver us from the chains of competition. While polite congratulations may be socially correct, it is not liberating. It takes a wholehearted delight…
Intuitive Openness is an ability to go with the flow, as The Ten Stages puts it
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Intuitive Openness is an ability to go with the flow, as The Ten Stages puts it, without expecting predetermined outcomes. It means being receptive to new possibilities, without prejudging them. It i…
Every Adult being is a CHILD within
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
At the very core of our being is a spark of purity, of perfection, of our child within
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
At the very core of our being is a spark of purity, of perfection, of our child within born from the memes of a disordered society.…
The Child Within effervesces within you
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The Child Within effervesces within you and sets you to the speculations on time and space it is as one member described a coming home.…
Know that the outward form passes away
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Know that the outward form passes awayBut the world of reality remains forever.How long will you play at loving the shape of the jug?Leave the jug; go, seek the water!…
Scientists baffled by diamond-filled alien stone that contains materials predating Solar System
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Scientists baffled by diamond-filled alien stone that contains materials predating Solar System: " So our next question will dig further into where Hypatia came from" 'via Blog this'…
The Science of Neurotheology: God in Your Brain
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The Science of Neurotheology: God in Your Brain: 'via Blog this'…
When Everything Is Silent, the Earth Emanates a Mysterious Hum | Inverse
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
When Everything Is Silent, the Earth Emanates a Mysterious Hum | Inverse: "The Earth’s hum is the permanent free oscillations of the Earth recorded in the absence of earthquakes, at periods above 30 …
Child Within Intuition can flow into us, if there is the will and capacity to receive it
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Child Within Intuition can flow into us, if there is the will and capacity to receive it, the ability to maintain it, and the understanding to nurture it. The idea is to find the intuitive voices way…
A gentle touch from your perfect child within
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
In my heart you are always thereYou lead me thru the darknessOf painful memoriesAnd walk me out into the light againWhere I can see you smiling at meAll it takes is just a wordA gentle touch from our…
It takes a lot of courage and patience not be overwhelmed by the immense negativities afoot in our world today.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Are you interested in mining the meaning of your experiences? Do you believe that your failures and mistakes provide a chance to transform your days? Have you discovered that one of life's many savi…
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