Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We study the ways we have hurt ourselves, others, and the environment through replication of our traumatic history
Author: Fraser Trevor
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We study the ways we have hurt ourselves, others, and the environment through replication of our traumatic history, and we become willing ...
We study the ways we have hurt ourselves, others, and the environment through replication of our traumatic history, and we become willing to awaken to them all.

Now that we have awakened to what was done to us we are ready to take responsibility for what we have done—and what we do. 

Had we attempted this before we held our perpetrators accountable, we would have misjudged what motivated our behaviour and inappropriately pathologiesed ourselves. We can see that our worst thoughts and actions were only a coded replication of the worst that was done to us. Now it is our job to sort out the code. We trace the connection between the traumas we suffered and the traumas we committed—and continue to commit. We connect our defeating adult behaviour to the wounds of our childhood. It was never our true self that was hurtful, only our wounded and raging child. With this mature perspective, we become willing to awaken to all we have harmed: ourselves, others, and our own home.
We start to understand our history and our ancestral history.The wars the economic deprivations that became part of our life
12 Nov 2018


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