Dissociation Anonymous think it is important to understand the operation, the functioning, the activity of the adult shadow self.
Dissociation Anonymous think it is important to understand the operation, the functioning, the activity of the adult shadow self. When the child within operates, the adult shadow self cannot possibly understand the child within. It is only when the adult shadow self which is our conditioned adult self, our animalistic self, the brain that has been cultivated through centuries of time, which is everlastingly seeking its own security, its own comfort -it is only when that adult shadow self is quiet that you will see that there is a different kind of movement altogether, and it is this movement that is going to bring clarity. It is this movement that is clarity itself. To understand, you must understand the adult shadow self be aware of it, know all its movements, its activities, its demands, its pursuits, and that is why meditation is very important. I do not mean the absurd, systematised cultivation of a certain habit of thought, and the rest of it; that's all too adult shadow self. By meditation I mean to understand the operations of the child within, to watch it, to know how it reacts, what its responses are, its tendencies, its demands, its aggressive pursuits to know the whole of that, the unconscious as well as the conscious part of it. When you know it, when there is an awareness of it, without controlling it, without directing it, without saying, 'This is good; this is bad; I'll keep this; I won't keep that,' when you see the total movement of the old mind, when you see it totally, then it becomes quiet.
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