Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Our Child Withins maturity is the capacity to stand our ground as a reflection of our genuine inner belief.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Re-developing our self-esteem requires an act of revelation, or several mini-revelations, in which we begin to separate from group thought...
Re-developing our self-esteem requires an act of revelation, or several mini-revelations, in which we begin to separate from group thought and establish our child withins sense of authority. We may suddenly; realise we hold an opinion different from our family or our peers, but in either case we will have difficulty freeing ourselves from the group's energy, whose strength depends upon numbers and opposition to most expressions of individuality The act of finding our own voice, even in mini-revelations, is  significant. Our maturity is measured not by the sophistication of a our opinions, but by their genuineness and the courage necessary to express and maintain them. By courage, we do not mean the intractable stubbornness of two people locking horns, Our Child Withins maturity is the capacity to stand our ground as a reflection of a genuine inner belief.


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