Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Within We come to acknowledge our journey into reality through the stages.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Within we come to acknowledge our journey into reality through the stages. Understanding our recovery journey now we have arrived at the p...

Within we come to acknowledge our journey into reality through the stages. Understanding our recovery journey now we have arrived at the point that we have started to understand what becoming recovered means we have during the course of the study realised that we no longer have the need to reach a dissociated state, We will realise that we dont have to be "the Best Little Boy in the world" and go out and begin our missions to proselytise our version of “the truth.”

We will feel intense discomfort and lack of confidence to pressure and manipulate others who suffer from addiction into our ways. On completion of the study course we understand what it is like to be dissociated from our unresolved childhood traumas and to follow this simple reliable program, without sponsors,mentors,gurus and doctors.

We have learned through a simple study course and a brave examination of ourselves ,in the company of other students ,to split-off from our ancient wounds just as they have done. We will understand the process used to control us that it will make us once more feel very grandiose to cajole other traumatised people into dissociating by requesting that they follow our adopted methods, and we will not acknowledge this as our grandiosity,Once more the hole in the soul will reopen and we will need to return to further restart our studies as we feel the pain of disassociation take hold. And if these newcomers fail to follow our studies we will gladly let them explore all different alternative recognising that is exactly what we have done in the past over and over again. .


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